Monday, December 22, 2008

Bersama nieces dan nephews

semuanya terlihat great dan amat bahagia apalagi kalau udah ngumpul dirumah nenek yang cukup besar, saat iulah anak2 bergembira bertemu dengan semua keluarga termasuk kami yang selalu tinggal jauh dari rumah.
dan para orang tua tentu ngerumpi di kamar utama sampai pagi dan tak ada habis2 nya membicarakan cerita2 lucu dan menyenangkan.

Hamka Wedding

Ketika browsing internet di rumah hamka eee gak sengaja ngeliat foto2 lama waktu pengatenannya.
sebetulnya tanpa ijin seh posting dan ngambil foto ini sama yang punya, abis gak tahan seh ngeliatnya ... dan kemudian jadilah gambar tambahan dalam site kami seperti ini.

ngeliat foto lengkap seperti ini asyiik juga sambil mengingat2 kembali kejadian lama dimana saat itu anak2 masih sangat kecil ...mmmm

Friday, December 12, 2008

ilmu mengalihkan fikiran

ini adalah salah satu ilmu yang diturunkan ke saya. Dikeluarga kami menyebut ilmu itu dengan sebutan 'membelokkan fikiran'.
Cuaca London bulan bulan ini makin aneh dari taun kemaren. Karna setiap pagi kerja harus keluar dari rumah jam 8 pagi ..Ini ini bgini aja,,,,,, mendingan aku deskripsi'in.
Bangun pagi,,,,aduhhhhh masih gelap banget diluar,,,hujan menari diluar jendela,makin ngedukung untuk nerusin mimpi dalam tidur...TAPI SEKALI LAGI ILMU ITU BERKATA 'LO MAU SENSASI GA?!APA LO MAU LAGI KERJA YANG 12 JAM DIBAYAR 25 DOANK,AKHIRNYA BERDIRILAH.
Selama udah berdiri gak masalah,,,heater dipasang semaleman...
Pas pergi ngebuka pintu (masih pintu dalem ni yang dibuka),badan mulai beradaptasi menerima deburan angin,,AYOAYO AYO KITA KERJA...BGitu pintu kaca nya diluar BRRRRRRRRRR tersayat sayat muka kena angin...
Kaki mulai melangkah menuju tube station dengan hatihati,,,jalanan semua beku...TAPI SEKALI LAGI ILMU ITU BERKATA INDAH SEKALI ESES ITU DI SEPANJANG JALAN,tetap berusaha mencari sisi positifnya...Sambil melihat keatas dan berkata PANAS SEKALI UDARA HARI INI....sampe di station,hmmm diem nunggu tube,,,INDAHNYA LONDON ADA POHON APEL DI STATION...sambil nunggu liatin pohon apel sedetaildetailnya biar ga kerasa dinginnya...kalo udah nyampe holborn si udah seneng aja bawaannya...
Pertama tama si sebenernya takjub aja ngeliat dan ngerasin bgitubgituan,,,ko tapi kesini sini nya makin eneq yah ngerasain temperatur 7 kebawah,,,TAPI SEKALI LAGI ILMU ITU BERKATA : GPP DEMI SESUAP BERLIAN--motto ini diambil dari salah satu temen disini.

pertanyaan dan kesimpulan dari cerita diatas adalah

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Borneo Hobie 16 Championship 2008

Setelah 10 tahun gak main olah raga ini kemudian terus terjun di full tournament berat juga rasanya, apalagi cuaca Brunei yang sangat menyengat membuat badan terasa lelah karena sengatannya dan dehidrasi berlebih.
toh semua terhibur ketika sore kumpul ternyata masih ada diurutan ke 3 dari 11 peserta yang ikut .. Woow lumayan.

Dear Borneo Hobie 16 Championship sailors, committee and helpers and last but not the least the CHAMPS Sponsors,
Please allow me to thank the following people:
Sponsors for making this event possible
OOD (Peter Miller and Robert Harris) for the professional way they have acted
Beach Marshall Paul Taylor for his strong leadership on the beach and his drive to make all things go as smooth as possible. Many of the sailors really appreciated your contributions and hand-on attitude.
Support team of Doris Chin, Lisa Miller and Mia for making sure that all our tummies were taken care for while keeping a excellent eye on all essential soft elements for the Champs such as merchandise, welcome, BBQ tickets, finance, PA operation (great music!!) and on and on.
ALL SAILORS, thanks for contributing to make this event indeed the Hobie 2008 most remarkable event. Unfortunately for some of you this was the last Borneo Hobie championship, others we surely will see again next year.

The committee and KBBC for organizing this event. Yes, next year we will strive to get a much wider Borneo content and will start much earlier with the arrangements. Thought are to do it somewhere September 2009 to have more assurance on good weather.
The spouses of the committee, helpers and sailors that were so friendly to understand our passion and let it be

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Brunei end 2008

Tidak terasa udah hampir 4 tahun kami tinggal di brunei, satu tahun lagi etos akan dapat higher diplomanya dan gendis akan dapat O level cambridgenya juga.
Jadi pertanyaannya adalah apakah kami harus tinggal terus di Brunei sampai pensiun atau jalan2 mencari tempat baru untuk melengkapi koleksi perjalanan hidup, kayaknya seh semua setuju untuk jalan2 lagi ketempat lain agar pengalaman bertambah, dan dari semua itu yaa terserah yang menentukan takdir yaitu Allah SWT.

Pilihan ketiga adalah kembali ke Indonesia menikmati pedasnya nasi pecel agar kolesterol bisa dikontrol dgn baik hehehe .. kita jalani aja hidup ini dan sampai mana ujungnya kita mesti menerima sebagai suatu berkah dari NYA.

Soo kita lihat aja apa yang terjadi di 2009 nanti ..... yang penting adalah semuanya bahagia dan selamat dunia wal akhirah ... amiiin

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Telur Emas

Alkisah, lived a poor farmer who had a goose. In his morning he found a golden egg laid by his goose. It was first that he thought that was his illusion only, but after he held and checked the egg, evidently the egg was the gold egg! Of course this farmer felt astonishment, did not believe but glad.
However evidently this was the reality. Every day he got up and viewed his goose cage, and each morning also he found a gold egg.
Day by day he underwent by being glad him. However together with time, he was increasingly greedy. He was increasingly impatient with only emergences 1 item of the gold egg every day. Finally, because of his greed, one day he killed the goose in the hope that to take all the available egg inside. No matter what happened? There was no gold egg in the goose body. And since the day then, there was not again the gold egg that illustrated his life.

This nation had thousands of smart children, hundreds of universities, nature resources that much, but we failed to manage nation assets. That lately stood out precisely the agenda developed the image that was carried out by the politicians and the celebrity.
They made an interesting effort the sympathy so that rating him was high, both when the general election and when appearing in television. Politicians and his logic artist same, that is developing the image and seizing the sympathy through the media.
the second one they were thirsty for the stage and the sympathy of the mass, as well as made the world of advertising to really un important. and all of us knew, the advertisement language always had the manipulative element and hiperbolik. They were still very young, but skilled and had the high integrity in accepting the position message.
Really was regretted, our education was not drafted to produce the generation of gold that though to accept the relay race of the nation's leadership.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Idul Fitri 1429H

Alhamdulilah....taun ini lebaran bareng anakanak indonesia,,,seneng banget bisa makan makanan indonesia----loh ko makanan yang pertama,,=p---engga gitu seneng aja bisa ketemu orang yang selidah,,,^.^,,
jadiiiii taun ini menunya mulai dari berbagaimacam pempek,,,satu paket opor+ktupat+sambel goreng ati+rendang+dll,,,soto padang donk ,,,sate ayam plus dendeng balado pastinya,,,,

Dan pastinya bersyukur banget karena full puasanya walaupun mingguminggu pertama agak panjang waktunya,,,imsak buat sahur 03.50,,trus buka jam 8malem lebih,,,,tapi bagus juga si, jadi sampe rumah masih sempet masak buat buka,,,^.^...

Buat semuanya ied mubarak!!!Minal aidin wal faidzin ...

Through the years

Idul Fitri 1429H.

Idul Fitri 1427H.

Errrrr 1987

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

London Fashion Week

Departing from last seasons predominantly black colour palette the show opened with an array of truly stunning white dresses, ethereal models glided along the catwalk in these creations which varied with intricate appliqué details and amazingly ornate cut outs providing the pieces with texture. Clean lines and interesting angles however gave the designs a strong and modern edge.

Colour came in the form of pastel pink tulip skirts giving way to stunning deep mauve dresses in structured fabrics as well as violet full length gloves which added to the elegant glamour of the collection. lavish floral detail came in the form of over-sized corsages on sheer tops. <>

Friday, September 26, 2008

great team of the year

Ternyata enak kerja di Accounts Department. Sering dibawa makanmakan gratis,hehe. Alhamdulilah sekali baru mulai kerja udah ditempatin dilingkungan yang saangat amat nyaman. Banyak banget belajar dari meraka meraka yang ada di foto, dari yang accounts manager nya yang handal banget ama peraturan perundangundangan di UK, jadi aja kita bisa hidup tentram yaman walaupun pendatang bukan lokal,hehe..kalo macem macem ama dia,, hmmm keluar semua act nomer sekian taun sekian dari dia.. ckckckkkkk ga ada yang bisa ngelawan....trusssssssssssssssss cewe ghanian yang udah BBG (british born ghana), ga jauh umurnya ama lala, adi enak banget kerja bareng ma dia, belajar banyak ngadepin student face to face buat registrasi dan blablanya....dan yang tencintahhh FEMI OGUNDIMU, haha...ternyata biar muka nya serem gitu ,,, SumpAH baeekkkkk banget,,,yang ini lain dari pada yang lain, ga kea di TIPItipi yang gangsTa' itu,, =p.... sense of belonging nya lebih besar dari gua,gua yang cewe kalah,,,tapi sayang dia udah for good kenegaranya dua minggu lalu...oia sebenernya ada dua lagi ga di foto. Mr Sri yang senantiasa sabaaaarrrrr dengan lala - yang semua orang juga tau L****T ...hehe,,,Tuan Tuaniy yang selalu sibuk menghibur kita semua kalo lagi pada suntuk di kantor...

Alhamdulilah sekali lagi....
oia itu gambar burang dara,,,sumpah burung dara gorengnya enak banget, trakhir makan burung dara di sidoarjo,itu juga udah lama banget . hehe..
Sekali lagi alhamdulilah...=p

multi cultural

Working effectively across borders and cultures requires a different approach and broad ranging skills. We need to built a positive relationship with other cultures, it includes attitudes and approaches to socializing etc. It is important to understand the other cultures, so that we can respect each other. Feels great to be in this multy cultural working environment!!! All of them are more friendly and treat everyone equally regardless education, position and status.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Just imagine ... since 1975 after leaving our beloved junior high school sidoarjo, so total time 33 years.
we just met each other once in surabaya, just yesterday we in touch again with all deep feeling .. happy ... and full of laugh hahaha.

time run so fast, dan tahu2 kita semakin tua and what make me happy .. to all of my friends ... they are happy ... success ... become more more religius ... alhamdulillah.

guys thanks for every thing you gave, and keep in touch.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Willen lake

Setelah bermain puas didalam xscape super building dengan artificial snow nya dan berbagai fasilitas didalamnya yang serba modern.
ada climbing wall, cinema, pusat jajan, branded outlet factory dll, masih tidak puas dengan satu tempat itu kami jalan, belanja mm banyak ngliatnya doang seh abis bueesar banget gedung2 pusat belanjaannya .... dan hebatnya semua ada di satu lokasi.

jadi total waktu hang out disana 5 jam, , milton keynes.

kami keluar lokasi ini dan jalan lagi, but belum jauh jalan rrr masih disatu block ding eeh ada danau yang luas dan bersih .. terpaksa muter lagi dan parking disana.
ckck sebelah modern block eh sebelahnya ada danau yang masih asri, bersih, dan terpelihara baik, kok kita gak bisa yaa.
lihat bebek angsa yang bermain tenang, ada water ski ada boating dan ada juga fasilitas untuk anak2 semacam pasar malamnya ... mini dunia fantasi, uang lagi hehehe.
Jam 19,40 kami balik ke london tapi belum maghrib nih, sebab maghribnya jam 21.19 ... aneh juga seh awalnya, ketika maghrib tiba kami coba2 liat kalo ada masjid but gak ada .. bukan indonesia seh hehehe ...
makanya kami mampir wisma siswa merdeka untuk pelajar2 indonesia di UK, alhamdulillah beres deh urusan.
satu lagi perut masih kosong truus mampir deh di Behest restaurantnya orang2 iran mmmm nice.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Milton keynes


Its not just about skiing and snowboarding... you can have loads or fun on the snow, re-living the days of sledging in the park on our fun tobogganing sessions, or why not be a bit more extreme and dare to ride the Ice Slide in giant tubes!

Toboggans, Ice Slide Tubes and snow trikes are provided and available to collect at the slope entrance. All participants of these activities must wear a helmet, which are also provided.

Please note that you will need to bring gloves, warm waterproof clothing and sturdy footwear suitable for walking on snow.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Photo Studio

ketika belanja di Brunei terasa mahal dibanding Bandung, dan UK lagi mahal.

tapi untuk moment seperti ini gak ada salahnya belanja, hehehe
sang photographer yang kocak menyuruh kami bilang whiskey saat season pemotretan, jadilah senyum dohari seperti itu, coba ikutin didepan kaca pasti sama deh.

sempat sholat disini kemudian kembali ke london ... wow 4 jam lagi.
Boring kata dohari

Muzeum kensington

break ....

si kecil ini begitu menikmati acara kunjungan ke muzeum tak peduli bagaimana capeknya kaki mengelilingi muzeum yang begitu besar .. memasuki setiap ruang pameran lantai dasar.

naik keatas lantai dua, tiga ... tapi memang penataan dengan hi technya membuat anak ini terkesima ... cuma waktu keluar muzeum baru terasa langsung minta ke toilet .. minta minum dan malas jalan ke underground nya hehehe.

acara belanja dia ogah ikut yaaa tinggal sama uncle dirumah ... mending nonton acara TV kesayangannya.


Mahalnya kota ini akan terasa ketika kita bergerak dari satu titik ke titik yang lain, apalagi kalau sampai sesat dan harus bolak balik.

syukurnya ada anak muda ini yang bisa bergantian mengantarkan kami jalan2, sebab dua2 mereka bekerja .. jadi ijin deh bolos bergantian.

thanks for the hospitality.


kemudian sampailah kedepan pintu gerbang yang menghantarkan anak kami menuju jembatan emas (insyaAllah) yang lebih gemerlap.

Dan semua yang akan kita terima adalah rahasia Allah, tapi kita wajib berusaha untk mewujudkannya, kalau tidak yaaa hanya mimpi.

Tidak penting jadi apa mereka, tapi menjadi diri sendiri, mandiri, dan bisa membantu sekitarnya atau bahkan menjadi Rahmatan lil Alamin untuk mendekati kesempurnaan sebagai Kalifatullah ... amiiin


Pak tua ini juga merasakan yang kami rasakan, makanya dengan gembira beliau bergambar bersama kami.

mungkin karena dia lebih dulu merasakan hal ini sebelumnya, jadi tertawalah kami sepanjang percakapan singkat kami, dan kami saling mendoakan untuk kebaikan dimasa datang.


kota ini begitu dingin bahkan di summer ini buat kami, api semuanya indah dengan mekarnya bunga nan indah disepanjang jalan bahkan sampai ke bukit2.

mungkin saat ini dipilih untuk acara graduation sesuai dengan suasana hati semua orang yang bahagia dan mekar menyongsong masa depan anak2 nya.

empat jam dari london menyeberangi jembatan besar memasuki wales, kemudian masih terus kebarat melintas cardif .. baru sampai Glamorgan university .... capek deh, lihat wajah2 cerah dan kecapean itu.
but Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalamiin.
Dand dua anak yang ditinggal di Brunei kacian gak ada yang ngurus hehehe, enggak ding akan ada gilirannya mereka pergi ketempat ini makanya sekarang belajar yang baik biar cepat lulus kemudian sekolah di london dan kemudian lagi bekerja disini agar gak ketinggalan kereta api. Ok anak manis keep in your mind ..... focus on your future .. insya Allah sukses.


melihat wajah2 cerah mereka yang akan di graduate sebentar lagi, ikut bahagia juga seh.
mungkin setelah sekian tahun harus berkutat dengan buku ... theory ... tugas2 .... yup akhirnya selesai juga.
semoga masa depan mereka secerah wajah2 hari ini .. amiiii

Oxford street

berangkat dengan tujuan hanya menghadiri graduation anak, yaaa hanya itu pada awalnya
tapi ketika kaki kami menginjakkan central i.e oxford street, piccadilly circus, high holborn, dan banyak lagi, kayaknya lupa deh tujuan semula, karena barang2 bagus ... pada dijual murah habis di summer sale ini hahaha discount up to 70%.
lihat mbak tatik yang lagi mabuk, gak salah juga seh .... kota ini memang memabukkan.

Monday, July 14, 2008

my Child

can you imagine a father wanting his child to be a poor and unsuccessfull ?
can you imagine a father wanting his child to be a loser ? ... NO

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

29 May special day

hari ini dengan special menu baronang bakar, our favorite.
Big birthday parties can be a blast. There are lots of laughs and plenty of good will to go around at a big party. But for many people on a limited budget, a large party means scaling back on what you can serve to your guests. It also means less time available for socializing with each guests. And a big party usually leads to a big clean up!
Sometimes, as the expression goes, less is more. A party of eight or ten close friends can be a wonderful, elegant birthday celebration. There's enough time for everyone to talk together and your budget can go much further. Leave the paper party goods for the larger gatherings. At this kind of birthday celebration you should pull out your best china and finest crystal. Don't forget to polish your silverware.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

2 more years

awwww,,,, sweeeeet!!!=p,,,Uk changed their International Graduate Scheme...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

the melting Princess story

Once upon a time... There lived a king. The King had a , beautiful daughter, the Princess.
But the kingdom was a sad place. There was no laughter, and no joy. The problem was, that everything the Princess touched would melt. No matter what, metal, wood... anything she touched would melt!!

Because of this, men were afraid of her. Nobody would dare marry her. The king despaired. What could he do to help his beautiful daughter? He consulted his wizards and magicians. One wizard told the king, "If your daughter touches one thing that does not melt in her hands, she will be cured." The King was overjoyed.

The next day, he held a competition. Any man who could bring his daughter an object that would not melt at her touch, would marry her and inherit the King's wealth. Three young princes took up the challenge.
The first Prince brought a very hard alloy of titanium. When the Princess touched it, it melted. The Prince went away sadly.
The second Prince brought a huge diamond, thinking that diamond is the hardest substance in the world and will not melt. But, alas, once the Princess touched it, it melted. He too went away disappointed.

The third Prince approached. He told the Princess, "Put your hand in my pocket and feel what is in there." The Princess did as she was told, though she turned red. She felt something hard. She held it in her hand...and it did not melt!! The King was overjoyed! Everybody in the kingdom was overjoyed!
And the third Prince married the princess and the both lived happily ever after.

The question is?!?!?!?
What WAS the object in the Prince's pocket???

They were M&M's, of course. THEY melt in your MOUTH, NOT in your HAND!! (What were YOU thinking?)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

funeral ritual in Toraja

is the most elaborate and expensive event. The richer and more powerful an individual, the more expensive his or her funeral. In the aluk religion, only nobles have the right to have an extensive death feast. In the present day, when tourism is the main income of the Torajans, funeral feasts have been held by non-noble rich families, mainly performed as tourist attractions. Volkman (1982) called this phenomenon a death funeral inflation. The death feast of a nobleman is usually attended by thousands and lasts for several days. A ceremonial site, called rante, is usually prepared in a large area of grass field where shelters for audiences, rice barns, and other ceremonial funeral structures are specially made by the deceased family. Flute music, funeral chants, songs and poems, crying and wailing are traditional Toraja expression for grief with the exceptions of funerals for young children, and poor, low-status adults. The ceremony is often held weeks, months, or years after the death so that the deceased family can raise the significant funds needed to cover funeral expenses.In 1992, the most powerful Torajan, the former chief of Tana Toraja Regency, died, and his family asked US$125,000 of a Japanese TV company as a license fee to film the funeral. Cf. Yamashita (1994). Torajans traditionally believe that death is not a sudden, abrupt event, but a gradual process toward Puya (the land of souls, or afterlife). During the waiting period, the body of the deceased is wrapped in several layers of cloth and kept under the tongkonan. The soul of the deceased is thought to linger around the village until the funeral ceremony is completed, after which it begins its journey to Puya.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Snow in London

A light dusting of snow across London today was enough to ground flights, cripple eight Tube lines and disrupt six rail networks.
The city woke up to about two centimetres of snow covering roof tops, parked cars and roads.
Eight of the 12 Tube lines were crippled, mostly due to the poor weather.
This morning, four lines were suspended - all maintained by Metronet:
· the whole East London line, due to multiple signal failures on the partly open track;
· the Circle line, clockwise only, due to an earlier signal failure;
· the Metropolitan line between Amersham and Rickmansworth due to a faulty train at Chorley Wood; and
· the Bakerloo line between Elephant & Castle and Paddington, due to a fire alert.